Content Optimization
SEO refers to search engine optimization. The process of SEO is to optimize the website and pages. In SEO we have optimized our content for a search engine. A content optimization technique that is used to improve our website search results and ranking. Content optimization makes our website or pages more attractive to the user and search engine.
The meta description seen under the page or HTML is called Snippet.
Snippet consist of Meta tag, Title tag, publish date. Meta keyword makes
the content easier to the user. The main keyword must focus and it must
be in bold.
Title Tag & Head Tag
A title tag is one of the most important in the content writing. The title must be in focused Keyword what we are describing to the content. The title must be write in more than 3 words. The title must be important to the search engine and the users also its describes in more than 3 words what should be in the content. Head tag is used for heading. It has 6 sizes of heading tags are there.<h1>for the main heading and <h6> is least one.
Meta description
Meta description is an attribute in a metatag. Meta tag helps to describe a short description of the content. Meta description has 150-160 characters including spaces. Google uses meta description, not for ranking. It gives value for the quality of description. The attractive and short description will impress the user to click the page and the more click moves to the top.